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Sims 2 Brandi Broke Personality Traits

  1. New Personality Traits Sims 4
  2. Sims 2 Brandi Broke Personality Traits List

So I have been recreating and building on the Pleasantview families with The Sims 4, a most excellent updated Sims game that retains all the humor, richness and pretty Sims we all know and love from The Sims 2 while adding new features that were only touched upon in the older versions of the game, like emotions and visits. Sure, you could download The Period Mod from modthesims(a site I detest because of its nasty history of plagiarism and outright stealing material from other sites without giving proper credit to the original creators – for example, when it stole material from my other blog at LiveJournal after I sent them a Cease and Desist letter) and your Sims would go berserk squirming from cramps and filling up the dorm toilets to take care of certain “needs”. However, with The Sims 4, without having to download any mods, your female Simmies now wake up with hot-headed, angry moodlets, wanting to start fights, “troll teh forums” and sore, then two days later, wake up all flirty and happy. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be That time of the month? Not a happy camper It’s all wine and roses now Those aren’t my Simmies, so whoever uploaded those screenshots, well, I hope they don’t mind my borrowing the images.

I’ve seen these emotions occur over and over with mine as well. At any rate, I’ve decided the neighborhood isn’t quite complete without my favorite Sims from Ye Olde Sims 2, so a chosen few families were picked to join the Goths and Landgraabs (and Johnny Zest, nee Dudley Landgraab), as well as the Caliente-Lothario clan. First, a few photos of the premades: The Goth family enjoying breakfast and a relaxing morning together Dudley “Johnny Zest” Landgraab with a fellow Noteables club member taking a selfie.

Oh yeah, TS4 Simmies love taking selfies. You would never guess it from this picture, but Nina Caliente barely sleeps from all the parties she throws and attends. Sometimes she squeezes in some Woohoo with Don, too.

Don Lothario – the original Dr. McSteamy And of course there are the Landgraab ancestors (Nancy, Geoffrey and Malcolm the First) and Katrina and Dina Caliente. There are a slew of new characters from TS3 and TS4. I did recreate the Broke family, but they are in a different world, so this is probably the first and last time you will ever see them. Wave bye-bye to the Brokes, everyone. Brandi, Dustin, Skip and Beau Broke before the POS Pink House was built.

Brandi “one more round of Candy Crush” Broke for Mother of the Year So now you see the foundation, let me lay the groundwork and then you’ll see what’s starting to happen. First, I added in the Burb family, I’m talking Brad and Tiffany and a teenaged John. Tiffany owns the toy store and Brad is rapidly building up his fishing skills. I paid meticulous attention to their genetics and personality traits (which, if you read my other blogs, you know I am somewhat of a fanatic on that subject). John has the necessary ESFJ traits to make him outgoing and sentimental and also outdoorsy enough to enjoy gardening. I plan to also make him a Foodie when he ages up to an adult, since he had the Vegan trait in TS3. John and Tiffany Burb.

Tiffany has not yet discovered her trademark peroxide. John and Brad Burb. Brad is becoming quite the Angler these days. Although I don’t intend to match John with Jennifer Pleasant – I have other plans for him – I did create the Pleasant family next. Jeff and Diane Pleasant – ESTJ and INFP A teenaged Daniel Pleasant on an energized jog – ENFJ A very tomboyish Jennifer Pleasant as a child – ESTP Whereas the Burb family kind of drifts through life, the Pleasants are very goal-oriented and it is very clear what created the dysfunctional father that Daniel Pleasant and the type A mother that Jennifer Burb became early on.

It is also clear that Daniel Pleasant never meant to rise above the position of coach. He has an irresistable urge to mentor and dole out advice from childhood. Daniel the Life Coach If you have a Daniel Pleasant, the next logical step, of course, is Mary Sue Oldie. The Oldie family at dinner Herb Oldie dotes over his daughter and INTJ Coral Oldie is grooming Mary Sue to be the ENTJ puppetmaster she is destined to become. Of course, for now, this means that Coral must listen to Mary Sue’s terrible piano playing while she is trying to enjoy her trashy romance novels and sci-fi novels.

Coral takes solace in posting photos of her food creations on Instagram. She does it all the time, for real. I love technology. The struggle is real – INTJ problems. Herb Oldie: doting father. There was one more family that needed to be added to the mix. It was a large family that was scattered throughout all the neighborhoods in The Sims 2.

They were Townies and NPCs and included probably the second most famous Townie of them all. I don’t know, maybe their family includes THE most famous townie, it’s a close race. I’m Team Marsha, so I tracked down all the Bruenig Townies and NPCs and recreated them as one cohesive family unit.

The Bruenig family More Bruenigs That’s right, I’ve combined Professor Timothy Bruenig (the Art Professor), Jaiden Bruenig (the Good Witch), Toby Bruenig from the Garden Society, Sadie Bruenig the Police Woman, Ratna Bruenig the Bartender, Justus Bruenig the Paperboy, and of course, the Immortal Marsha Bruenig, all into one big, happy family. Professor Timothy and Jaiden Bruenig with Ratna Grandparents Timothy and Jaiden are the patriarch and matriarch of the clan. Timothy is in the art career, but Jaiden stays at home mixing bar drinks in hopes of developing the ultimate elixir one day. Their younger son Ratna is extremely outgoing and has already befriended half a dozen neighbors in about half an hour. Toby Bruenig puts his plant and collecting skills to good use at the Science Center. Sadie continues her police work. She loves Jaiden’s drinks – maybe too much.


New Personality Traits Sims 4

Did I mention that Sadie likes her booze? Marsha studying with Jaiden Marsha is a lot like her grandmother, so it only made sense to have her grandmother tutor her with her homework.

I see the two becoming close in the future. Double double boil and bubble Justus prepares to tackle his homework with Toby’s help. So all the families are set in place now. The first thing I noticed was that some revelations occurred about some long-standing mysteries in The Sims 2, namely:. Why and how did Skip Broke drown?

Skip Broke became feverish and broke out in hives one night when he was dead tired. Had I not cancelled this action immediately, he would have drowned in the pool, ladder or no pool ladder. What really happened to Bella Goth?

Sims 2 Brandi Broke Personality Traits List

I’m not saying it’s Aliens, but it’s Aliens. She went out to introduce herself to a passerby and show him her baby bump when electricity came off his hands. She had a positive moodlet from Meeting an Alien and suddenly became about 70 days younger.

There was also a strange book on the shelf by Bella Goth about switching places with a body double. Why does Marsha Bruenig call everyone at 2AM to talk about toys? Monster under the Bed – Aha! Now it all makes sense!

Do you think it might eat her one day? One can dream Let the games begin. Once I had all the families in place, I was ready to let them start interacting. Of course Nina and Don are a couple now. Nina and Don In fact, Nina flirts with most of the members of the Partihaus club. Diane Pleasant and her “friend” Diane Pleasant has started her own club, a grown-up version of the Avant Gardes called The Desperate Housewives.

She is also well on her way to cheating on her astronaut husband with this guy. (Why am I thinking of that scene from The Graduate?) Meanwhile, her romantic son Daniel has hooked up with the girl next door and exchanged smart phone numbers. So far so innocent. We all know how that is destined to turn out. But right now, everything about them makes perfect sense and they seem like a perfect match. Daniel and Mary Sue about to exchange phone numbers.

Bella Goth had her twins and they let a visitor into the house. It turns out he was coming to see Cassandra to cheer her up and ask for her number as well. I know from pairing these two up in the past that they make a great couple.

They seemed really excited to meet. John and Cassandra Finally, these two met for the first time. Let the chips fall where they may Don and Bella meet for the first time.